There are a number of different types of contact lenses currently available, each with their own unique features. To avoid confusion we’ve included a brief description of the different types available. When you come for your appointment we’ll discuss and assess your needs and together select the most suitable type.
Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) lenses
These lenses are made from semi-rigid materials, which allow more oxygen to pass through to the surface of the eye, making them much healthier to wear. RGPs only cover part of the cornea. As these contact lenses float on your tears there is some movement whilst blinking, it therefore takes slightly longer to get used them. However once settled they prove to be very comfortable.
RGPs are suitable for most prescriptions, but more so for patients who have astigmatism, where they can give better standards of vision. RGPs are easy to handle, clean and very durable.
Soft contact lenses
Soft contact lenses are made from pliable gel-like materials, which commonly contain between 38% and 75% water, allowing oxygen to pass more freely to the eye. Your tears help maintain the softness and flexibility of the contact lens making them more comfortable to wear and adaptation is much quicker than with RGPs.
Since soft contact lenses contain water, they can become contaminated, and therefore it is essential to follow the correct cleaning and disinfecting procedure.
Disposable contact lenses
Traditionally, soft lenses have been replaced on an annual basis. Modern consensus is that this is unhealthy and not cost effective. Increasingly sophisticated material technology has led to the development of high quality soft contact lenses designed to be replaced more frequently and that are more and more breathable and comfortable. The combination of regular replacement and high oxygen transmission makes these contact lenses extremely healthy and comfortable to wear.
Disposable contact lenses can be replaced every day, weekly, twice a month or once a month. Currently disposable contact lenses are available for the correction of all common vision correction needs including short-sightedness, long sightedness, astigmatism and the need for reading glasses.
Extended wear contact lenses
The latest advances in contact lens technology have led to the development of new types of disposable soft contact lens that can be worn overnight. These contact lenses are made from SILICONE-HYDROGEL, some can even been worn continuously for up to 30 days.
Multifocal Contact Lenses
As you get older your vision changes. It might get difficult to read fine print or to see in low light. Now you don’t just have the option of glasses. The 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST Brand MULTIFOCAL Contact Lenses give you clear vision — near, intermediate, and far, in dim light and bright — so you can continue wearing contact lenses to do the things you love.
And they’re built on the 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST platform, giving you comfort and convenience for many years to come.